Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Meeting with Council Member- Pilar Ferrer

The ACIT group in Pune met with Pilar Ferrer, member of the Governing Council on 10th January. The meeting began with prayer and then Ana Maria Madrigal introduced Pilar to the group. Pilar was the first member of the Association to come to India. In this full circle moment, Pilar took the group through the genesis of 'Associative Unity' through the history and different stages of the Association, how this was redefined in our statutes in 1990. The 15th General Assembly in 2000 initiated the steps of understanding what Associative Unity means and how we can grow, given that we are different in our commitments- primary and ACIT, and same in spirituality, nature and governance.

These were realized in the Plenary Assembly in 2006. Further in the General Assembly in 2006, it was recommended to define the link between the Plenary and General Assemblies as organs of governance and how the ACIT could participate in electing the President and Government.

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