Sunday, September 18, 2011

Information on the Plenary Assembly 2011

The TA in Pune- Core and ACIT met on Sunday, 11th September 2011 at Sanjeevan Ashram. Savitha Pais and Elizabeth D'Souza who represented India at the recently concluded Plenary Assembly in Los Negrales used the day to present the Assembly and its conclusions to those present.

It was indeed inspiring to see how the Spirit directs the Work across the world.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Celebrations of the Centenary in Pune

The Teresian Association founded by St. Pedro Poveda in the cave shrine of our Lady at Covadonga, Spain, in 1911, celebrated its centennial year on 21st July 2011 with a thanksgiving Mass at St. Xavier’s Church. Bishop Thomas Dabre presided over the celebration and in his homily likened the TA to a cricketer- 100 and not out!

While speaking about Fr. Poveda who was a martyr, he said that to sacrifice one’s life for Jesus is itself God’s blessing and reward. In less than a hundred years, the association has its Founder canonized and one of its founder members beatified. The TA is a universal community that works in the field of education and culture and may lack familiarity here in Pune but is associated with the UNESCO. It is a community at the disposal of the church and as a lay association has given identity and recognition to laity.

Bishop also commented on the joyfulness of the members and their assistance with inter religious dialogue. Like St. Paul who wrote, ‘I know only Christ, I live for Christ and I am crucified for Christ to the world,’ the Teresian Association has been for Christ in Pune and in 30 countries across the world. The Association in the last hundred years, has tried, sought and succeeded in being ‘salt, light and a community built on high’ (its mission).

Fr. George D’Souza, our Vicar General, Fr. Bertie Rosario, the parish priest at St. Xavier’s and several priests concelebrated at the Mass. The celebration continued after Mass with a fellowship dinner at the Parish Hall.

Inspired by the centenary theme “from grateful memory to renewed commitment, the members hope that grateful memories will inspire us to give new life to our commitment to our evangelising mission, as lay persons committed in the church and the society to promotion of the human person, in keeping with the values of the kingdom through our presence in the field of education and culture, a call to be salt and light, in the style of the early Christian communities. For more information on the Teresian Association call 020 26356913 or email

Friday, June 17, 2011

Encounter with Bishop Thomas Dabre

The Bishop of Pune, Thomas Dabre learnt about the Centenary Year of the Teresian Association and he desired to meet with the members and acknowledge the work that we do and encourage our presence in the society. Accordingly a programme was planned on 23rd March 2011 with a Eucharistic celebration and fellowship.

All the ACIT and core members from Pune were present for this meeting with the Bishop. He greeted each member and appreciated all the work that we do in the different parishes. He also showed a great interest in our involvement with inter-religious dialogue.

We then had a fellowship meal and wound up, assuring the Bishop of our continued support in the diocese and he promised to invite all of us for the Inter-religious session planned by him during the Holy week in April 2011.

Juliet Fernandes

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bible Study Workshop

Alligned with our studies and commitments in preparation for the Plenary Assembly, the Teresian Association in Pune arranged a day long workshop on the gospel of Matthew. The session, on Sunday, 6th February at the parish hall of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, saw 17 participants learn and understand more about this gospel.
Fr. Henry P, a Jesuit from Kerala and a professor at Papal Seminary was the resource person for the day. So many various facets of reading and interpreting and being inspired by the Word of God were demonstrated through the day by him, both by illustrating and connecting the dots in the Gospel. But most importantly, the Gospel, was made relevant to our present day lives.

This was one really enriching experience!

Friday, January 14, 2011

2011- Centenary of the Association Celebrations

The Teresian Association family in Pune met to celebrate the start of the Centenary Year of the Association 2011 and ACIT India Day on 11th January at the TA house in Pune. With over 35 persons participating in this celebration, the evening began with the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Fernando Da Costa, a long time friend of the association in Pune. Fr. Fernando elaborated several aspects of the life of Fr. Poveda inspiring us to live our lives focused completely on God.

A powerpoint reflecting on the theme of grateful memory to renewed commitment followed highlighting ways in which this centennial year will be commemorated around the world and exhorting everyone with our focus for the year-For God nothing is impossible.

A fellowship meal brought everyone together in candor and laughter and ended the evening.