The ACIT sub group in Pune began its academic year with the Voto in May at Sanjeevan Ashram. A meaningful Rosary followed by a participative and unique Litany followed.
The Feast of Father Poveda was celebrated on 28th July with much gusto and spirituality. The youth led the choir during the Mass at Sacred Heart's church, Yerwada. After the Mass, a presentation on the life of Fr. Poveda and the importance of laity as foreseen by him was interspersed with Goretti, Savitha and Juliet sharing their own experiences of being laity and their vocation in the association. The youth also sang us a song composed by them.
Victoria Diez was remembered on her feast on the 12th of August. Multiple groups met at the TA house and participated in prayer and a powerpoint on her. Videos on her life too inspired everyone gathered.
A commemoration of the feast of St. Teresa of Avila after whom the association is named was celebrated on 15th October. A powerpoint on the life of St. Teresa was followed by prayer based on reflections on St. Teresa by Josefa Segovia.
All celebrations this year are organized in conjunction with the youth, ACIT and Core and each celebration is an opportunity to invite more people to 'Come and see.'
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