Youth from the TAYMI animated by Agosh and YEM animated by Joanna came to celebrate Diwali in a camp themed, Shine Jesus Shine. The ACIT from Pune collaborated with the organizers.
Savitha Pais led the youth into a session on the Talent You Have Received. She exposed the background of the gospel parable of the talents and instigated the youth to think of the talents they have and how they use them. Later she got them to creatively represent this through clay on earthen glasses.
Reeves Rodrigues on the first day of the camp, led the youth into team building games and did a debrief thereafter helpinf the youth to find values such as communication, responsibility, equal opportunity and participation etc.
On the second day, the youth were introduced to the Poveda Foundation run by him and then spent an afternoon in the slum community the foundation works with. This experience, for many, their first was an eye opener and helped the youth become aware and more sensitive to the social realities that surround them. Later that evening they presented their learnings and interacted with the kids from Poveda through songs and dance.
On the last day of the camp, Reeves led another session of outdoor games.
The youth are not merely our future, they are our present and they need the discerning guidance and companionship of genuine adults