Tuesday, November 3, 2009

ACIT Pune 10 years Celebration, Launch of the TA Youth

ACIT Pune 10 years Celebration, Launch of the TA Youth

ACIT Pune 10 years Celebration, Launch of the TA Youth

ACIT Pune 10 years Celebration, Launch of the TA Youth

ACIT Pune 10 years Celebration, Launch of the TA Youth

ACIT India completed 10 years of their commitment in May 2009 and the three sub groups i.e. Mumbai, Honnavar and Pune are celebrating these years of commitment at different moments in the year. The ACIT in Pune celebrated this festive occasion on the 31st of October.

The evening began with the ACIT having a private prayer in the chapel, expressing their gratitude to the One who gave them the call and the grace to be faithful to it. Later, Savitha Pais welcomed all present. Reeves Rodrigues portrayed through a power point presentation the genesis, growth and important events of the ACIT sub group in Pune.

Savitha, Veera, Philo, Veronica and Reeves stepped forward to share what their commitment means to them and how it has impacted their lives. Being an ACIT, on one hand has influenced personal and professional lives and on the other stimulated spiritual and intellectual advance.

Bookmarks to remember the celebration were given out and each one read aloud Father Poveda’s quotes on them.

Everyone then celebrated the Eucharist, in a spirit of humility and thanksgiving. Fr. Simon Almeida who has been close to the TA for a long time was the main celebrant and Fr. Willie Fernandes concelebrated. After the homily, the ACIT made a meaningful prayer of recommitment.

The TA Youth core team comprising of Dennis, Hazel, Desmond, Cheryl and Lynn, was also joyfully commissioned right after Holy Communion. This was a historic moment for the Association in India that has worked closely with young people.

All present then joined in for a special meal that brought the evening to an end.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Youth Encounter Honnavar

Eighteen youth from St. Pedro Poveda's and San Salvador's Parishes participated in a Youth Encounter at SARPI on 6th September 2009. The day began at 10:30 with a short orientation for the day. This was followed by prayer for an hour with audio visuals which was led by Nancy Fernandes.
The group then had a break for snacks and later games for warming up and interaction among themselves which was conducted by Santhan. The games were geared towards team building.
At 1:30pm the group partook of a lunch together and then continued at 2:30 pm with sessions conducted by Elizabeth D’Souza. There were three PowerPoint sessions on the topic of knowing oneself and building life, it was followed by group discussions and reporting. There was good interaction among the youth and they enjoyed very much. After tea break at 4, an evaluation of the day was sought. The youth were very happy with the encounter. The follow up program is scheduled for the end of December.

Youth Encounter- Honnavar

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Celebration of Teachers' Day in the Honnavar Project

Celebration of Blessed Victoria Diez Feast, Honnavar

27th August 2009.
“ I surrender myself completely to your adorable design. Do with me what you like. I entirely belong to you”
We celebrated the feast of Victoria Diez on 27th August in Honnavar. The T.A family and pre-ACIT joined this celebration. The festivity commenced by presenting the Letter of Loreto for the centenary celebration and a presentation on the life of Victoria Diez by Elizabeth. Thereafter we celebrated the Eucharist at SARPI Centre. Our parish priest, Fr Francis Fernandes said in his homily “we are called to be witnesses, to live a meaningful life and a life of faith to fulfill our given mission on this earth”
After the Mass the T.A family with Fr Francis joined in a get-together to mark this celebration.

Celebration of Poveda's Feast in Honnavar- ACIT and Core together

Celebration of St. Pedro Poveda Feast on the 28th July 2009.With joy and a heart full of thanksgiving to our almighty God for the precious gift of Fr Poveda the Teresian Association family at Honnavar celebrated the Holy Eucharist at St Pedro Poveda Church in Honnavar. Fr. Francis Fernandes, the parish priest in his homily spoke about Fr Poveda’s martyrdom and he commented that each one of us are called to live our vocation and a life of commitment in our day to day life. Many of our parishioners joined this celebration. Beautiful hymns and also Fr Poveda’s hymn were sung which added to the beauty of the Eucharist celebration. After the mass the ACIT Family proceeded to SARPI for a short get-together accompanied by four new faces. Idaline Vaz welcomed the members and the guests. Thereafter Elizabeth D’Souza presented a splendid power-point on the inspirational life of Fr Pedro Poveda. Our ACIT member Moses Noronha shared his rich experience of being ACIT, this was followed by a family festive meal.
- Lilly

Celebration of Poveda's Feast in Honnavar Project

Celebration of St Pedro Poveda Feast in the project. The Feast of Father Poveda was celebrated in the project on the 27th of July with the management team, staff and animators of Samagratha Library, Pedro Poveda Special School and the Village Developmental Work. We were around 52 people who joined in the Eucharist celebrated by Fr Rudolf Raj OCD. He gave us a beautiful homily on the life of Poveda in relation to the gospel reading “Salt of the earth” and challenged each one of us to be martyrs and salt of the earth in our day to day lives. After the Mass we had lunch together. In the afternoon each of us was given a Povedan quote and we shared what it meant for us in our lives.
The celebration continued on the 29th with the Pedro Poveda Special School children and on the 30th with the women from the Kurta Project.

Celebration of Poveda's Feast in Honnavar- Poveda School and Parish